Sunday, November 16, 2008

What I'm most thankful for

These are the things I'm most thankful for...
1. God
2. My family
3. Friends
4. Shelter
5. Water
6. Food
7. The sun
8. The moon and stars
10. Nature, such as flowers, plants, etc.
11. Electronics
12. School and education (learinig, teachers, books)
13. The seasons
14. Music
15. Animals
16. Our Military/US Army, Navy
17. Freedom
18. My family is healthy
19. Hospitals and firefighters
20. cures for sickness
21. Talents
22. Looks
23. Leadership


Molly Geraghty said...

Kaitlyn this list is extremely thorough! You thought of almost everything! I think it is funny that clothing makes your list over freedom, nature, and school. You really like clothes! I wonder, however, where are the Jonas Brothers? I would have thought for sure that they would have been in the top ten of your list, if not in the top five or even three! Oh well I don't think they will mind very much. I didn't think of the sun, though, and I guess that is very important in our lives! Great job on your list! =)

Ms. P. said...

Kaitlyn, this list shows a great deal about who you are and what you care have many intangibles on your list as well...good for you! **thoughtful**